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Meeting Minutes for April 26, 2021

Colonial Country Club
Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Colonial Country Club Community Development District was held on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 2 p.m. at the Colonial Country Club Activity Room in the Community Center at 9171 Independence Way in Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference.

Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:

Tony DeSantis – Chair
Joseph Zajac – Vice Chair
Sally Hefti – Assistant Secretary
Giovanna Scuderi – Assistant Secretary
Tim Worthington – Assistant Secretary

Also present (or attending via web conference) were:

Cal Teague – District Manager
Chris Pepin – Field Manager
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
Nancy Dudak – Premier District Management
Howard Klein – Resident

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Colonial Country Club Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Colonial Country Club Community Development District meeting was called to order and the District Manager called the roll. All Board members were present for today’s meeting. Also, participating virtually were Field Manager Chris Pepin, Christopher Dudak and Nancy Dudak from Premier District Management.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

The Agenda was reviewed.

On MOTION by Supervisor Hefti, seconded by Supervisor Worthington, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as submitted.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There being none, the next Order of Business followed.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Meeting Minutes from March 22, 2021

The Draft Meeting Minutes from March 22, 2021 were reviewed.

On MOTION by Supervisor Scuderi, seconded by Vice Chair Zajac, with all in favor, the Draft Meeting Minutes from March 22, 2021 were approved as submitted.


A. May 17 Ride-Around Workshop Discussion

The Board discussed changing the May 17 ride-around workshop to June 7 at 8 a.m. The District Manager said he will not be available on that date, but another staff member can take his place.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Zajac, seconded by Supervisor Hefti, with all in favor, the Board changed the May 17 ride-around workshop to June 7 at 8 a.m.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


A. Financial Statements for March 2021

The Board reviewed the March 2021 financials and had several questions for the District Manager.

On MOTION by Supervisor Worthington, seconded by Supervisor Scuderi, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the March 2021 financials as presented.

B. Fiscal Year 2022 Budget

The Board discussed and Budget and the District Manager said they need to determine where the “excess revenue over expenses” will be designated. In the past, he stated that this went into capital improvements. This will be identified at the next meeting when the Public Hearing is established.

C. fStop Wildlife Project Update

The project status was reviewed and it was stated that the cameras will be set up after they finish the set-up at Habitat.

D. FY 2020 Audit

The audit was reviewed.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Zajac, seconded by Supervisor Hefti, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the FY 2020 audit and authorized the Chair to sign the Annual Financial Report.

E. Arbitrage Report

The District Manager reported that there was no positive arbitrage that needed to be reported to the IRS.

F. District Registered Voter Count

The District Manager reported that there are 1,605 registered voters in the community, which the Board stated is about half of their population.


A. Field Report for April

The Field Report was reviewed and the following requests or actions identified:

  • Overall, the Field Manager reported that the lakes look good.
  • He also said that the littorals look healthy.
  • He stated that the spatterdock is decreasing, but some is present in Lakes 11, 29 and 60.
  • He said he saw more than the usual amount of trash this month around the lakes and the boardwalks. He said that most of the trash is found behind the condo buildings. He also found some along the golf course. He found a lot of discarded masks, also.
  • Several air stations were not diffusing properly and had to be replaced.
  • Alligators are going after the aerators, some of which have bite marks.
  • The Lake 28 fountain went down and Solitude was contacted to fix a blown capacitor. It is now back on line.
  • The Field Manager answered a question about adjusting sprinkler heads for the new sod along the renovates shoreline and said he reached out to the HOAs to let them know what is going on. He asked that their neighborhood irrigation company adjust the irrigation spray heads behind the homes to irrigate the new shoreline sod.
  • A Christmas tree and a chair found in the Preserve have been removed.
  • A resident behind Lake 50 was warned about removing his Brazilian pepper trees. The Board will give him another month to remove them and then send a letter with an invoice.
  • There are several new washouts on Lake 8. The Field Manager was warned to be careful as there is a turtle laying eggs there.

B. Follow-Up Items

i. Aerator Installation Lake 28 Update

Solitude expects to have the one inch tubing installed by the end of the week. They had to order the supplies and are expected to be here this week. The interconnect pipe that they were planning to use originally is not where it is supposed to be on the maps. It resulted in a change in the order from Solitude to extend the air line to one inch and to increase it 1,250 feet. The additional cost was $3,538.50.

ii. Golf Course Erosion Repairs Update

During his last inspection, the Field Manager observed repairs made by the Club to the washout on Lake 7. He noticed that they filled in the holes along the cart path with material and added some rip rap, but he is not sure how it handled the recent rain. He also said that the geotube on Lake 22 needs to be touched up. The Board suggested American Shoreline Restoration do it when doing the erosion repairs.

iii. Shadow Glen Fence Post Replacement Update

This project is completed. The homeowner at 9074 Shadow Glen asked if the rusted top rails behind his home could also be replaced. The Chair authorized it and the Field Manager is waiting for Sunstate Fence to return and repair this new section.

iv. Boardwalk Mold Project Update

The Field Manager is scheduled to complete this task in the middle of May.

v. Butterfly Garden Signs

The new butterfly garden signs were replaced.

vi. Tree Branch Trimming on Walking Path

The branches were trimmed.

vii. Erosion Repair Update for Lakes 12, 14, 16, 26 & 27

American Shoreline Restoration is scheduled to begin the erosion repairs the last week in April and the first week in May when they complete their current project.

C. Project Tracking/Maintenance Log

There were no comments concerning Project Tracking.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

  • The Chair mentioned the stormwater structure inspections. He said they should get a proposal to them in September and if it is 25% or more than the stormwater area structures, then they can properly budget.


There being none, the next Order of Business followed.


There being no further Order of Business, and

On MOTION by Supervisor Scuderi, seconded by Supervisor Worthington, with all in favor, the Meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m.

Next Meeting: June 7, 2021 at 8 a.m. – Ride-Around Workshop

Next Regular Meeting: May 24, 2021 at 2 p.m.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair