Draft Meeting Minutes for March 22, 2021
Colonial Country Club
Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Colonial Country Club Community Development District was held on Monday, March 22, 2021 at 2 p.m. at the Colonial Country Club Activity Room in the Community Center at 9171 Independence Way in Fort Myers, Florida and also via web conference.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Tony DeSantis – Chair
Joseph Zajac – Vice Chair
Sally Hefti – Assistant Secretary
Giovanna Scuderi – Assistant Secretary
Tim Worthington – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Christopher Dudak – Assistant to the District Manager
Nancy Dudak – Premier District Management
Meredith Budd – fStop Program
William Freund – fStop Program
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Colonial Country Club Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The Colonial Country Club Community Development District meeting was called to order and the District Manager called the roll. All Board members were present for today’s meeting. Also in attendance were Christopher Dudak, Assistant to the District Manager, and Nancy Dudak, PDM, participating by web conference. Meredith Budd and William Freund, from the fStop Program, also attended by web conference.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
The Agenda was reviewed and an addition was requested to add item 7D – Audit Update.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Zajac, seconded by Supervisor Hefti, with all in favor, the Agenda was approved as amended with the addition of 7D – Audit Update.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
Howard Klein, a prospective Board member, Eileen Farrell and Dave Vost from Whispering Palms were in attendance. The Whispering Palms residents had concerns about irrigation water quality. The Chair explained that the CDD is not responsible for irrigation water and suggested they contact the Maintenance Supervisor for the HOA to voice their concerns.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Meeting Minutes from February 22, 2021
The Draft Meeting Minutes from February 22, 2021 were reviewed.
On MOTION by Supervisor Scuderi, seconded by Supervisor Worthington, with all in favor, the Draft Meeting Minutes from February 22, 2021 were approved.
A. Aerator Installation Lake 28 Update
A new compressor cabinet for the aerator is scheduled to be operational by March 26. The Field Manager reported that converting the 240v cabinet back to a 115v cabinet was more time-consuming than he anticipated but is back on track.
B. Algae Control Options
Product and pricing information was obtained from LG Sonic. Christopher Dudak was told that the price of one MPC-Buoy Pro is approximately $60,000, including shipping and commissions. Each unit has an expected minimum service life of 10 years and a treatment coverage area of about 50 acres. Including interactive algae control (system maintenance and communication) services, this comes to a maximum annual treatment cost of $246/acre. Due to costs, the Board decided to drop this issue. Gonzalo Ayres from Lake & Wetland Management is looking into different options to address the algae.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
A. Financial Statements for February 2021
The Board discussed the February 2021 financials.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Zajac, seconded by Supervisor Hefti, with all in favor, the Board voted to accept the February 2021 financials as presented.
B. Fiscal Year 2022 Preliminary Budget
The District Manager presented a draft budget for discussion. The Board will review it and discuss it further at the next meeting.
C. fStop Wildlife Project Update
The District Manager explained that the fStop Wildlife Project is a combined photography/wildlife program that will allow cameras on their property should they grant permission. He stated that the Board, as well as the Field Manager, can delegate where they place cameras. Ms. Budd further explained that their goal is to understand how to share their landscapes with wildlife and to respect wildlife. The number of cameras used is to be determined when they are on site for a walk-through.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Zajac, seconded by Supervisor Scuderi, with all in favor, the Board authorized the Chair to sign the fStop Wildlife Project waiver agreement to allow cameras to be placed in the preserves to photograph wildlife.
D. Audit Update
The District Manager presented the auditor’s letter to the Board on the audit progress. He said he expects it to be completed by the end of May.
A. Field Report for March
The Field Report was reviewed and the following requests or actions identified:
- There was one “1” rating on Lake 20, but the District Manager said this only explains lake conditions and is not necessarily a problem.
- Some of the deck boards need to be re-stained.
- The Board discussed that they want the Field Manager to redo the butterfly garden signs now, but wait until after the rainy season before replanting new landscaping.
B. Follow-Up Items
i. Golf Course Erosion Repairs Update
The latest field inspection indicated that a washout on Lake 7 has increased in size and is growing onto the cart path. Several Board members said they will check it out before the next meeting. The District Manager said the Field Manager can take a picture of it for the next meeting.
ii. Shadow Glen Fence Post Replacement Update
This project was expected to start in early April. Two neighborhood associations need to be notified before the fence project is started. Christopher Dudak stated that the Field Manager provided a map of the area to be fenced.
iii. Boardwalk Mold Project Update
The Board approved sanding and staining the remaining boards near the entrance but want it done after April 15. The Field Manager expects it to be completed in three days.
C. Project Tracking/Maintenance Log
i. Budget to Actual Corrections
The Board expressed that the updated log is easy to understand and liked the format.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
There being none, the next Order of Business followed.
The Board suggested that Howard Klein attend the ride-along workshop on May 17. They asked the District Manager to provide him with the meeting schedule for the rest of the year.
There being no further Order of Business, and
On MOTION by Supervisor Hefti, seconded by Vice Chair Zajac, with all in favor, the Meeting was adjourned at 3:11 p.m.
Next Meeting: April 26, 2021 at 2 p.m.