Draft Meeting Minutes for July 24, 2023
Colonial Country Club
Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Colonial Country Club Community Development District was held on July 24, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the Colonial Country Club in the Activity Room of the Community Center, at 9171 Independence Way in Fort Myers, Florida, and also via web conference.
Present (or attending via web conference) and constituting a quorum were:
Tim Worthington – Chair
Sally Hefti – Vice Chair
Howard Klein – Assistant Secretary
Giovanna Scuderi – Assistant Secretary
Joe Zajac – Assistant Secretary
Also present was:
Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Colonial Country Club Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The Colonial Country Club Community Development District Meeting was called to order, and District Manager Teague called the roll. All Board members were present, with Chair Worthington attending via web conference. Also attending was Cal Teague, District Manager, of PDM.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Hefti, seconded by Supervisor Klein, with all in favor, the Board accepted Chair Worthington’s attendance via web conference.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
The Agenda was amended to add new business item 6B Club Request to Place Apx 80 “Caution Wildlife” Signs along Shorelines
On MOTION by Supervisor Zajac, seconded by Supervisor Scuderi, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Agenda, as amended.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes June 26, 2023
Supervisor Klein stated that he would like to review the ledgers and other materials used in the audit before the auditor is selected at the September meeting. District Manager Teague stated that he will make those available to him.
On MOTION by Supervisor Zajac, seconded by Vice Chair Hefti, with all in favor, the Board approved the Draft Regular Meeting Minutes from June 26, 2023, as presented.
A. GIS Update
District Manager Teague reported that Felipe Lemus continues to build the base and collect data for the GIS system, and he hopes to have a draft available at the next meeting.
Chair Worthington joined the meeting during the discussion on the GIS map.
A. Premier Lakes Contract Addendum for New Aerator Systems in Lakes 7, 10, 18 and 33
District Manager Teague stated that an addendum will be added to the contract for the maintenance of the new aerators, and this will increase the contract by $73 per month, which is $876 per year.
On MOTION by Supervisor Scuderi, seconded by Chair Worthington, with all in favor, the Board approved the addendum to the Premier Lakes contract for the maintenance of the aerators in Lakes 7, 10, 18, and 33, not to exceed $73 per month, at $876 per year.
B. Club Request to Place Apx 80 “Caution Wildlife” Signs along Shorelines
District Manager Teague stated that Charlie from the Colonial Country Club had requested that staff place “Caution Wildlife” by each of the ponds’ shorelines.
Chair Worthington was surprised that the CDD was not charged for the signs, and Supervisor Klein stated that the Club’s insurance company had completed a risk assessment and determined the necessity for the signs, and the CDD is not responsible.
On MOTION by Chair Worthington, seconded by Supervisor Klein, with all in favor, the Board approved the Club staff of Colonial Country Club to place approximately 80 “Caution Wildlife” signs along the shorelines adjacent to the golf course and on the common grounds.
A. FEMA Reimbursement Update
District Manager Teague reported that there has been no determination yet received from FEMA, and FEMA continues to review all of the claims. The cost of repair and remediation from storm damage was discussed.
There was also discussion on the ownership of the roads, and it was noted that the asphalt is the responsibility of the Master Association, although the fill under the roads came from the initial lake excavations, which was paid for by the Bond, and so was financed by the CDD.
B. Financial Report for June 2023
District Manager Teague reviewed the Financials and stated that they are in good condition, and the investment income is showing a great return. He also stated that they have received the delinquency payment. Supervisor Klein requested an examination of what is capitalized.
On MOTION by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Chair Worthington, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Financials for June 2023, as presented.
C. Assets Tracking Program
The Board had reviewed the program, and they decided to table this until more information is received. Supervisor Klein and staff will ascertain what more is needed.
A. Current Field Inspection Report
Field Manager Pepin’s report was in the packet, and District Manager Teague reviewed it.
Field Manager Pepin reported that the lakes are in poor condition, and it is primarily because of the presence of algae. The Board requested that he update them on the contractor’s progress in addressing the algae issues.
Another issue is extensive spike rush, and the Board agrees that spraying should continue.
Field Manager Pepin stated that an air station is broken on Lake 3, and the aerator on Lake 11 remains in disrepair. A new timer has been installed on Lake 22.
He stated that they plan to begin the remediation of lake bank erosion in early September, unless there are a lot of rain events.
Field Manager Pepin stated that they will begin work in the preserves next month.
The Board requested that he trim a tree that is leaning over the wall, along with other trees that need trimming.
Field Manager Pepin reported that Carter Fence will be onsite August 25th to repair the fences. The Board also agreed that he can complete the repair of the boards on the boardwalk that he had identified.
B. Follow-up Items
i. Remove Dead Pine Trees in the Preserve Islands behind 9661 & 9667 Hemingway Lane
This project is complete.
ii. Treatment of Vines on Fences
The vines were treated at Field Manager Pepin’s last inspection, and they will be treated at his next inspection, if needed.
iii. Lakes Condition
When Field Manager Pepin inspected the lakes on August 12th, he found a high presence of algae on Lakes 3*,7, 13, 21, 28 & 29, and a moderate presence on Lake 10. He also observed an excessive amount of torpedo grass in Lakes 6, 8, 20, 21, 25 & 28. He stated that the lakes are in the worst condition that he has seen in the last 10 years.
Field Manager Pepin spoke to Tim Farrell, the owner of FloridAquatic, and he stated that he would send out two of his technicians right away to begin addressing the issues. Field Manager Pepin also asked Mr. Farrell to be more proactive and inspect the lakes himself, instead of relying only on the information from his technicians.
There was discussion on the most effective treatment for algae. It is now treated with copper sulfate, and there was discussion about having it raked. The Board decided to pursue raking and cleanup, where it is needed, and Vice Chair Hefti will accompany Field Manager Pepin during his inspection to determine which lakes have an algae issue. The Board also requested that Field Manager Pepin obtain a proposal for cleaning up the algae.
On MOTION by Chair Worthington, seconded by Vice Chair Hefti, with all in favor, the Board approved raking and cleanup of the algae on the lakes needing treatment, not to exceed $5,000.
C. Project Tracking Logs
The log was submitted, and there were no questions.
There was no report from Attorney Greg Urbancic.
There was no report from Engineer Sam Marshall.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
There were no Supervisor Requests or Comments.
There were no Audience comments.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Hefti, seconded by Supervisor Scuderi, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 2:43 p.m.
The Next Regular Meeting and Budget Public Hearing will be on August 28, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.