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Draft Meeting Minutes for December 16, 2024

Colonial Country Club
Community Development District

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Colonial Country Club Community Development District was held on December 16, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. in the Media Room of Colonial Country Club at 9181 Independence Way in Fort Myers, Florida, and also via web conference.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Sally Hefti – Vice Chair
Giovanna Scuderi – Assistant Secretary
Joe Zajac – Assistant Secretary
Howard Klein – Assistant Secretary

Attending remotely:

Tim Worthington – Chair

Also present was:

Cal Teague – District Manager, Premier District Management (PDM)

Attending remotely was:

Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager, PDM

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Colonial Country Club Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call

The Colonial Country Club Community Development District Meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m., and District Manager Cal Teague called the roll. Four Board members were present, and Chair Worthington attended remotely. Attending remotely also was Christopher Dudak, the Client Services Manager.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Hefti, seconded by Supervisor Zajac, with all in favor, the Board approved Chair Worthington’s attendance remotely.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda

An amended Agenda was presented to:

Add 7A Annual Vegetation Maintenance along the Perimeter Proposal

On MOTION by Supervisor Zajac, seconded by Supervisor Klein, with all in favor, the Board approved the Agenda, as amended.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items

There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Board Reorganization: Resolution 2025-01

After an election or appointment consideration of Board reorganization is required. Supervisor Zajac nominated Sally Hefti for Chair. Chair Worthington nominated Supervisor Scuderi for Vice Chair. District Manager Teague was retained as Treasurer and Secretary, with Jennifer Miller retained as Assistant Treasurer, with Christopher Dudak and Mandie Rainwater added as Assistant Secretaries along with Supervisors Worthington, Zajac, and Klein. With the above officers listed, Resolution 2025-01 was approved.

On MOTION by Chair Worthington, seconded by Supervisor Klein, with all in favor, the Board approved Resolution 2025-01, appointing Sally Hefti as Chair, Giovanna Scuderi as Vice Chair, with Supervisors Tim Worthington, Joe Zajac, and Howard Klein as Assistant Secretaries, retaining District Manager Cal Teague as Treasurer and Secretary, and Jennifer Miller as Assistant Treasurer, and adding Christopher Dudak and Mandie Rainwater as Assistant Secretaries. 

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes

A. Draft Regular Meeting Minutes for November 18, 2024

On MOTION by Chair Hefti seconded by Vice Chair Scuderi, with all in favor, the Board approved the November 18, 2024 Draft Regular Meeting Minutes, as presented.


A. Stormwater Structures Inspection Report

i. Cleaning Proposals from Blockage at 25% and Above and 40% and Above

The Board had asked for a proposal for cleaning at 40% blockage and above, and the 25% blockage and above was included for comparisonField Manager Pepin stated that he prefers 40% and above. He added that there is a major cost increase to include everything between 25% to 40%. The 40% cost is $36,800, which District Manager Teague stated would be funded from the Reserves, and which would require an amended Budget at the end of the current fiscal year. After discussion, the Board approved the proposal for 40% and above, with a note to add $20,000 in the Budget for cleaning each year.  They also would like to know the expected time frame for the cleaning.

On MOTION by Supervisor Worthington, seconded by Supervisor Klein, with all in favor, the Board approved cleaning the stormwater system at 40% and above, not to exceed $36,800.

The Board was also concerned about golf course construction potentially increasing the silt run off into the stormwater system. They asked staff to send Pat Tohill a letter to remind him to cover catch basins during construction, to alleviate this concern.


A. Annual Vegetation Maintenance along the Perimeter Proposal

Field Manager Pepin submitted a proposal for the annual fence trimming proposal of approximately $1,688 and 4,700 feet along Shadow Glen. The Board approved this work.

On MOTION by Vice Chair Scuderi, seconded by Chair Hefti, with all in favor, the Board approved the annual fence vegetation trimming of 4,700 feet along Shadow Glen, not to exceed $1,688.

Supervisor Worthington stated that he had investigated an area of flooding concern from a resident, and he noted that Comcast had installed their box in a low spot, and that water levels were the same in all basins around the resident’s home.


A. Financial Report for November 2024

District Manager Teague noted that the interest income so far is $5,057, as noted on page 46 in the column YTD actual. He added that assessments are coming in, and thus far through November 30th it is $472,381. He expects all to be collected before June 2025. The Board accepted the Financials.

District Manager Teague noted that Grau is still completing the Fiscal Year 2024 audit. Supervisor Klein stated he is having difficulty accessing the Fiscal Year 2024 section of the Grau portal. There was discussion on the fixed asset list, and District Manager Teague noted that it is generated by the auditors and not PDM staff. Supervisor Klein offered his assistance, if needed.

On MOTION by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Worthington, with all in favor, the Board accepted the November 2024 Financial Report, as presented.

B. Final Reminder for 4 Hours of Ethics Training Due December 31, 2024

This is a final reminder that this must be completed by December 31, 2024. In January, another four-hour training course will be required. It was noted that everyone on the Board has completed it for Fiscal Year 2024. Information about where to access training will be sent out again in 2025, along with any new options, should there be any.

C. FYI – 9031 Prosperity Lakeshore Silt Cleanup

District Manager Teague stated that the resident responded with cleanup photos after the 3rd letter, and Field Manager Pepin confirmed that the silt has been removed.


A. Current Field Inspection Report

District Manager Teague reviewed the field management report and the following items were discussed:

  • Chair Hefti asked about follow-up on the exposed pipe sticking up on Lake 25 behind Majestic, and viewable from the No. 2 tee. She had reported this to Field Manager Pepin and District Manager Teague in November. Staff will follow up.
  • Littorals killed in a Spike Rush overspray will be replaced by the contractor on January 3rd or 5th.
  • District Manager Teague reported that the Gateway canal looks good.
  • On Lake 1 and 22 sod will be replaced by the end of the month.
  • The irrigation valve near the butterfly garden had been turned off, and Pat Tohill had it turned back on.
  • At Whispering Palms, a roof drain is hooked up to a discharge pipe, and it may cause a washout. Field Manager Pepin will watch Lake 70 and may ask them to run it into a catch basin.
  • Vice Chair Scuderi asked how garbage was getting into the WCS, as mentioned on page 7 of the field management report. District Manager Teague noted that they probably washed in from the open street valley gutter drains and not through a grate.

B. Follow-up Items

i. Lake 28 Washout Repair Exposed Pipe

Field Manager Pepin noted that the washout has been repaired and the pipe is as low as possible. It protrudes a little due to entering the lake from above a geo tube.

ii. 50E Fountain Lights Repair and Fountain Cleaning

Field Manager Pepin reported that the fountain has been cleaned. The lights have not been replaced as of yet, and are a warranty repair.

iii. Various Aerators Repairs: 4, 40, 8, 18, 23–27

Field Manager Pepin noted that the repairs were completed on December 11th.

iv. Boardwalk Repairs Schedule

Field Manager Pepin noted that Artistic Structures is still behind schedule and anticipates starting this project sometime in late January or early February. The boardwalk will be closed for at least 1 week.

C. Project Tracking Logs

The Board had reviewed the logs, and there were no questions.


There was no report from Attorney Urbancic.


There was no report from Engineer Marshall.

TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments

Supervisor Zajac asked Community Field Services about Work Order 1793 and stated that it has no description as to what it is. He asked if details could be added to their invoices for convenience.

Chair Hefti asked if the littoral project on Lake 11 and the berm project might be conflicting with the golf course renovation project.  The Board asked for the planned date of this work and wondered if it will be delayed or need to be coordinated with the golf course. Staff will follow up.


There were no Audience comments.


On MOTION by Supervisor Zajac, seconded by Supervisor Worthington, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 2:48 p.m.

The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2025 at 2 p.m. in the Activity Room of the Community Center.

Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Chair/Vice Chair