Amended Meeting Minutes for January 24, 2022
Colonial Country Club
Community Development District
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Colonial Country Club Community Development District was held on January 24, 2022 at 2 p.m. at the Colonial Country Club Activity Room in the Community Center at 9171 Independence Way in Fort Myers, Florida and also via phone conference.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Joseph Zajac – Chair
Tim Worthington – Vice Chair
Howard Klein – Assistant Secretary
Giovanna Scuderi – Assistant Secretary
Sally Hefti – Assistant Secretary
Also present (or attending via web conference) were:
Cal Teague – District Manager
Christopher Dudak – Client Services Manager
Tim Kreft – resident on HOA Facilities Committee
The following is a summary of the actions taken at the Colonial Country Club Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
The Colonial Country Club Community Development District Meeting was called to order and District Manager Teague called the roll. All Board members were present. Also attending was Cal Teague, the District Manager. Christopher Dudak from Premier District Management attended via web conference.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Agenda
On MOTION by Vice Chair Worthington, seconded by Supervisor Scuderi, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Agenda, as presented.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments on Agenda Items
There were no Audience comments on Agenda items.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Meeting Minutes
A. Draft Meeting Minutes from December 20, 2021
On MOTION by Supervisor Scuderi, seconded by Supervisor Hefti, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Draft Meeting Minutes from December 20, 2021.
A. Lakes 28 & 50 Compressor Noise and Timer
Vice Chair Worthington commented that the noise can be heard from four buildings away. District Manager Teague stated that there is a muffler than can be placed on it, and he will ask Field Manager Pepin to instruct Solitude to install it.
A. Stormwater Structure Cleaning Proposals
MRI had submitted two bids to clean out the stormwater management system. One estimate was to clean out everything 25% or greater, and the other was to clean out 50% or greater. The last cleaning was done in 2018, and it could have been 25% or 40%. Field Manager Pepin will analyze the proposals and get more bids.
A. Financial Reports for December 2021
District Manager Teague reviewed the financials. The Board discussed various items. Chair Zajac would like to see the usage or reason for the variance of monthly bills. Supervisor Klein would like to see expenses for aerators and fountains separated on the next report.
On MOTION by Supervisor Klein, seconded by Supervisor Hefti, with all in favor, the Board accepted the Financial Reports for December 2021.
B. Alternative Banking Options
Iberia had been bought out by New Horizons and poor interest was now being paid on the operating funds being held, so the staff is looking for other banking options.
On MOTION by Vice Chair Worthington, seconded by Supervisor Hefti, with all in favor, the Board agreed to change banks, subject to the approval of the Chair.
A. Field Report
District Manager Teague reviewed Field Manager Pepin’s report, and the following issues were discussed and direction given:
The width of the spike rush was a concern, and the Board wondered if the cutting and removal approved at the last meeting was progressing.
The cost for staining the boardwalk will be reported at the next meeting.
The Board approved the clean up of dead material in the butterfly garden.
There was a proposal to replace the compressor for the aeration on Lakes 25, 26, and 27. The Board approved it, at the cost of $850.
B. Follow-up Items
i. Rip Rap and Cord Grass around the New Basins Update
No cordgrass had been planted, and Field Manager Pepin will purchase it and plant it.
Chair Zajac was concerned about the sand and silt getting through the rip rap. District Manager Teague will ask Field Manager Pepin to investigate other options for keeping it out of the structures.
Field Manager Pepin will address the ivy on the outside of the wall, with minimal effort, and he is not to spend numerous hours on it.
ii. Golf Course Washout Repairs Lake 7 Update
The washout was still present, and District Manager Teague will have Field Manager Pepin speak to Patrick.
iii. Preserve Walkway Palmetto Cleanup
This project had been completed.
iv. I-75 Wall Invasives Cleanup
This project had been completed.
v. HOA Catch Basin Cleanup Update
This project had been completed.
vi. Spike Rush Trimming and Removing Update
The project had been started on January 21, 2022, but there was still cut spike rush floating next to the second green. It should be harvested when it is cut.
C. Project Tracking/Maintenance Log
There were no issues commented on.
There was no report from Attorney Greg Urbancic.
Engineer Marshall reported that he had responded to the NPDES survey questions that he had received.
ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor Requests/Comments
There were no Supervisor Requests or Comments.
There were no Audience comments.
On MOTION by Supervisor Hefti, seconded by Supervisor Klein, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 2:59 p.m.
The Next Regular Meeting will be on February 28, 2022 at 2 p.m.